Photo of JUAN  CESAR GIAGINTO Argentina

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JUAN CESAR GIAGINTO e - mail: cesargiaginto@yahoo.com.ar Born in Mar del Plata - Province of Buenos Aires - Argentina, on June 21, 1942. In 1960 he began studies at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata where he acquired the technical foundation that then apply their artistic. Spoke at that time in samples collected and presented in competitions, winning in 1968 with a Mention in Category II Drawing at the Municipal Hall of Fine Arts in La Plata, for...
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JUAN CESAR GIAGINTO e - mail: cesargiaginto@yahoo.com.ar Born in Mar del Plata - Province of Buenos Aires - Argentina, on June 21, 1942. In 1960 he began studies at the Faculty of Architecture and Urbanism at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata where he acquired the technical foundation that then apply their artistic. Spoke at that time in samples collected and presented in competitions, winning in 1968 with a Mention in Category II Drawing at the Municipal Hall of Fine Arts in La Plata, for their ink "Sisters." Graduated in 1967 with the title of Architect - Planner and settled in Neuquén in Patagonia Argentina in 1969 where he has lived since pursue their professional activities in parallel with the development of their fine arts and photography. Obtaining First Award Ink Drawing by "The Couple" at the Second Biennial Arts Patagonian held in Neuquén Capital in 1976 marked his inclusion as an artist in the province of Neuquen, where he has won numerous awards and where he has made known his work nationally and internationally. From 1962 participated in more than 70 Group Exhibitions Solo having presented 41 shows at home and abroad. Shipments have been selected to date in 45 rooms. Competitions Jury has been in Art and Photography. His biography, opinions and criticisms contained in books and art magazines. Works by him are in various public and private institutions, and is also owned by many collectors and dealers in Argentina, Chile and the United States of America. This has won the following Awards and Prizes: 2004 THIRD AWARD National Exhibition of Small Format - Museum SEMPERE Burzaco LEON - Province of Buenos Aires 2003 SECOND PRIZE International Art Exhibition - GALLERY OF THE AMERICAS SECOND PRIZE 2002 Capital Federal National Salon of Religious Art - Museo Leon SEMPERE Burzaco - Province of Buenos Aires 2001 SECOND MENTION 2 Biennial National Drawing GALLERY OF THE AMERICAS Buenos Aires 2001 First Mention 8 th National Exhibition of Small Format SCHERING 2001 Capital Federal 2001 First Mention 2 nd National Exhibition of Illustration of the French Alliance Capital 1998 FIRST PRIZE VI Federal Annual Hall of Yukio Mishima Cultural Arts Center - 1997 SECOND PRIZE Federal Capital VI Hall Press Assoc Adrogué Nicolás Avellaneda - Buenos Aires Province / Argentina 1996 First Prize of the Self Portrait and Yukio Mishima Cultural Center - 1980 THIRD PRIZE Federal Capital Fourth Biennial of Art Neuquén Patagonia - Neuquén Province / Republic of Argentina 1977 First Prize 47 th Municipal Art Hall. Bahía Blanca - Pcia de Buenos Aires / Argentina Republic 1977 First Mention Third Exhibition of Fine Artists Cipolletti this valley - Black River Province / Republic of Argentina 1976 First Prize Second Biennial of Art Neuquén Patagonia - Neuquén Province / Argentina Republic SECOND MENTION Annual Exhibition 1968 Municipal de Artes de La Plata La Plata - Province of Buenos Aires / Argentina Republic His art / CHARACTERIZATION Juan Cesar Giaginto is considered one of the artists and Most prominent photographers from the artistic Neuquén. Because of his extensive career in both disciplines was selected by the architect Alberto Petrina, Curator of the important National Exhibition ARGENTINA PINTA BIEN - 2005 to present as a representative of Neuquén for the month of April at the National Museum of Fine Arts - Home Neuquén from May to July of that year also in the Recoleta Cultural Center of Buenos Aires. His works, usually based on a profound observation of man, his environment and everyday reality show with a delicate and subtle irony of the events and attitudes within contemporary society. Through careful and thoughtful selection chooses those items that have sufficient strength, interest and timelessness to endure over time and also because its characteristics are appropriate feasible visual representation. Without being overly intellectual, his work generally required for an adequate understanding, knowledge of national and international news. As in a puzzle, to be discovered as you shotgun all the work of Giaginto, different levels of representation and levels of interpretation. As far as the general pose, we always see a balanced composition of shape and volume plastic. We then turn to a second instance where you read more closely the integral elements of the composition and in a third and ultimately discover the details that enhance, define and summarized in most cases, focus and meaning of the work. The foregoing are guidelines rigorous work by the artist but to the observer does not mean too much difficulty for interpretation. In the technical basis for the drawing is the thin line, subtle and continuing through lines of different thickness defined by repetition and overlapping sought representation, be it the skin of a reptile, a bird's plumage, the folds of a garment, details of a face, a hair, etc. It is also common throughout the book the absence or lack of substance. Thus, on plain white paper used as support, are expressed with great economy of means compositional elements, without any side to interfere between them and the observer and divert attention from what is represented and ironically summarized in the titles. The fragmentation of the drawing, is another Giaginto sometimes used to emphasize sectors and areas of interest as well as in some cases give depth and perspective. Based on the issues addressed and their need for expression, jobs are monochrome or color. In the latter case relies on the use of mixed media where it mixes with acrylic ink, pencil, color pencil and other materials worked with pens, brushes and airbrush, while incorporating some of their recent work in digital resources. His art CLASSIFICATION Within its vast production which reflects the various stages through which has passed its expression, we could differentiate between those works that have no points of contact between them with each other, carried an item based on those individual others conforming Series, respond as such to a particular theme, common unifying the whole, although the visual representation and are not similar technique adopted in all work the same series, but respond to the needs of particular expressive of each case. Individual works and as a representative example in this order, include among others: "Tribute to Gladiator" (1992 - Selected for Exhibition XXVIII National Drawing and Print) "gaffe" (1992), "La Nena settled down" ( 1993), "The Yuppie" (1993) "Self Portrait" (1993), "" Last Images of the Great Consumer "(1993 - Selected at the XXIX National Exhibition of prints and drawings,)," Courts and Downs - El Tango naked "(1993)," The Photographer of Birds "(2000)," The clothing of the Model "(2001)," Globalized "(2003), WORKS IN SERIES In some samples of individual works, Giaginto sporadically presented small series have undoubtedly been an advance for other subsequent works much, so we can highlight REPTILES Series (1983), ATTITUDES Series (1985) and Series MONSTERS (1990) and as larger, THE MODELS Series (1995) consists of drawings executed in ink with fine color and where irony reflects the unique world of models and their environment. Its title: "Ligth this incognito", "Ligth and or health", "Ligth 1", "Ligth 2", "Ligth 3." In 1998, first presented a solo exhibition of works made entirely of a Series Series is called the News, based precisely on news reports compiled over several years for its ironic context in cases surreal. Importantly, the author has always reiterated about these jobs that "... it is not literal illustration of a story but its reinterpretation plastic .... " Belong to this series "Dolly and Her Sisters" and "The Shadow of the Clone", both related to the emerging developments in cloning in those years, "Watching the Mad Cow," about the mad cow syndrome, "Persevere and Succeed 1 "on the recognition of the Catholic Church 137 years after the Theory of Evolution of Species by Charles Darwin and" perseveres and succeeds 2 "also about the late acceptance of the Catholic Church, in this case 359 years after the rotation of the planets around the sun described by Galileo Galilei in 1633, "Roundtable on TV," where characters are portrayed typical political roundtables attending the TV, among others. In 2000, he presented the Urban series EVERYDAY, where a quote from the English poet Richard Cumberland in the Catalogue of the Exhibition "Better to spend that moldy" defines the criteria and general sense of it. These works are based on careful observation of people, their customs and attitudes, including his pet routine ... .. Some titles: "Casting," "Lift", "mascot 1", "El Paseo on Sunday in the Park", " The Bureaucrat "," The PC gets me, "Proposal for change to justice," etc. His latest work to date is called BARCODE Series, conducted and presented to the public in 2003. There are exposed, with irony and sarcasm, the various technological systems that we increasingly invade our privacy faster affected by the control and curtailing our individual freedom. All this is summarized here by the seemingly "innocent" Barcode present both in a package of cookies, credit card, clothing and generally any item, goods or services commonly consumed. There are 18 works, among which are: "Cow Pack", "Wall of Machu Pichu", "Combo of the Future", "The Open Veins Final Consumer," "Immigrant Argentino", "Genetic Code", "Glory and Praise "among others. your photographic expression Beginning in 1966, technically perfect, doing various courses of camera work, lighting and laboratory in La Plata and Mar del Plata, in a first stage devoted almost exclusively to taking pictures of architecture. A posteriori, parallel to its performance and development as an artist began to incorporate and transfer issues and to use the camera with a more direct, free and creative where solitude and irony underlying the majority of his work will inevitably incorporate the field of expression photo. When you select multiple photos Giaginto to expose their art works together as a representative of the National Sample Neuquén ARGENTINA PINTA BIEN - 2005, its curator Alberto Petrina Architect catalog weighted the same, the selectivity and the particular focus of his expression Photo by saying ".... transmutes beings and objects through some distorting amplification that reinvented under new aspects." This has been seen in many samples possible. Also in participation in Regional and National Competitions, which to date has received awards and mentions as detailed below: 2005 FIRST PRIZE Category Black and White Photography National Exhibition of Architecture College of Architects of the Province of Neuquén - Neuquén 2005 SECOND PRIZE Category Black and White Photography National Exhibition of Architecture College of Architects of the Province of Neuquén - Neuquén 2005 First Mention Category Black and White Photography National Exhibition of Architecture College of Architects of the Province of Neuquén - Neuquén 2005 First Mention National Exhibition of Color Category Architectural Photography Association of Architects of the Province of Neuquén - Neuquén SECOND PRIZE 2004 National Exhibition of Sacred Art Museum - Sempere - 2004 SECOND PRIZE Burzaco National Hall of Medium Format - Sempere Museum - 2004 First Mention Burzaco National Exhibition of Small Format - Sempere Museum - THIRD PRIZE Burzaco 2003 National Exhibition of Sacred Art Museum - Sempere - 2003 Burzaco MENTION Salon International Gallery of Nations - Capital Federal 2003 THIRD PRIZE National Hall of Medium Format - Sempere Museum - 2002 THIRD PRIZE Burzaco XI National Exhibition of Sacred Art Museum - Sempere - 2001 or Fundesur Burzaco - First Biennial of Visual Arts in Patagonia - Neuquén Fund Competition 1998 FIRST MENTION Editorial Neuquén - Neuquén 1998 SECOND MENTION Editorial Fund Contest Neuquén - Neuquén 1997 FIRST PRIZE Press Room Nicolás Avellaneda - Adrogué - Good Aires

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